
I Did It!!!

I have signed up for my first 5K! Actually, my first anything concerning a race! For a while, I have wished that I could run or walk in a race but have had many excuses not to such as: Arthritis in my ankle (that is the big one), overweight, out-of-shape, not enough time, embarrassed, etc. However, when I take a look at all these excuses I realize that these are the reasons I should train for a race. Because if I lose weight then the ankle will not hurt as much and I will not have as much weight on the ankle. Win, Win, right?

So when the City of Seneca presented the 5K they will be holding for 'Seneca Fest' on Memorial Day Weekend, I knew this was my opportunity. First, I will be running in a place I know and second I can actually run or walk the course before the race to become familiar with the track. Now I know that I only have about 11 weeks to prepare and at the moment I do not believe that I can actually run the entire 3.1 miles but I feel if I can run half I will have accomplished something that I never have done.

When I mentioned this to Greg, my wonderful husband, he went and bought me an Ipod and a gift card for Itunes. He also is joining the race with me and took me out for my first run last night. Since he runs, he had great information and tips on how I need to start out. "Go slow and do not push it" I like that! I ran for a distance of 1/4 to 1/2 a mile - it kicked my butt and of course on my ipod the song that was playing was "More Bounce To The Ounce" Zapp and Rogers - which I think was very appropriate. Tonight, I ran (very slowly) for 1/2 mile. So just maybe?

If anyone reads this and would love to join me - you could download an entrance form for the race at Seneca's website.

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