
Running in the Rain!

Yesterday was a victorious day for me! I went to the bank that was located next door to a Wendy's and the Coffee Toffee Twisted Frosty was calling my name. For a moment I thought to myself that no one would know if I got one but in the end I drove away empty handed. Then I went into the grocery store to pick up coffee filters and butter and standing in the line the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups begged me to buy them but again I said "no". That in itself is a triumph!

It was a cold, dreary day but Greg and I met my beautiful niece, Petrovia, at Shaver Rec. to run. I was very proud of her because she went twice the distance I did on my first run. She even ran what I call "kill hill". Way to go Petrovia!! We are meeting again on Thursday, I am so looking forward to it. I can't believe I am saying that I am looking forward to running but it is true.

I did not run today but did some weight training this afternoon at home. I went to the Dr today for a checkup about the arthritis in my ankle. In January I was fitted with inserts and it has made a huge difference in the swelling and pain. I talked to the doc about running, he said that if it didn't hurt he would not tell me not to run but that he would encourage me to do more swimming. I do not have to go back unless I have any more problems. So I guess I need to start looking for a swimming race. But maybe first I need to learn to swim. Lol. Overall the last 2 days have been great and big "thank you" to Petrovia!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Rita, I know how loud that PB cups can yell.